1st Round Football Playoff game - the football team placed 2nd in district play and has a 1st round bye.
2nd round playoff is November 22nd. Will be a home game. Band will attend this game.
Kiwanis Christmas Parade (Saturday November 23rd) - This is a required event. Everyone will be tired from Grand Nationals, the Friday night football game, and ready for the Thanksgiving Holiday. This event will take place on Saturday morning - then everyone can enjoy a full week off to be with family and enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Semi-Final Game is tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 29th, 7:00pm at a neutral site. Exact time and location depends on opponent.
This is the end of the Thanksgiving weekend. A smaller pep band will be utilized for this game. The game will not be required. We do humbly ask that if students are in town that they come support the football team and represent the school. Extra credit and letter points are awarded to students who attend this game.
State Championship game is scheduled for Friday, December 6th at UCO in Edmond.
This is also the weekend of Final Round All-State Band Auditions. We will be split up and be doing two events at the same time. Students will either go to final round all-state auditions or to the state championship football game, but not to both.
Once the last contest is completed, the band does not perform the show anymore. The band will continue to play in the stands at all remaining regular season and playoff games to support the football team, represent the school, boost school spirit and have fun doing so. Students are required to attend each of these games.
If the football team is district champion, the first playoff games should be a home game. Playoff games are usually on Friday nights at the regular time - 7:30, but can be scheduled for 7:00 pm or on Saturdays as well. Itineraries will be added at the beginning of each week as games are determined. There may or may not be a game where students are allowed to visit the concesssion stand or required to wear their uniform. That information will be included with the itinerary.
As the weather becomes colder - coats, gloves, and hats will be allowed to be worn by students. These items should match school colors and blend with the uniform. Sweat shirts are highly preferred over hoodies. Hoodies can be worn underneath the uniform, but the hood cannot be pulled out underneath the collar of the uniform. The hood must be inside the uniform jacket.
1st Round Football Playoff game - will not attend. Will be at Grand Nationals in Indianapolis
2nd round playoff (Could be November 22nd or 23rd, most like the 22nd though). Location still TBD. Band will attend this game.
Kiwanis Christmas Parade (Saturday November 23rd) - This is a required event. Everyone will be tired from Grand Nationals, the Friday night football game, and ready for the Thanksgiving Holiday. This event will take place on Saturday morning - then everyone can enjoy a full week off to be with family and enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Semi-Final Game (Could be 29th or 30th) will be at a neutral site and exact location depends on opponent.
This is the end of the Thanksgiving weekend. A smaller pep band will be utilized for this game. The game will not be required. We do humbly ask that if students are in town that they come support the football team and represent the school. Extra credit and letter points are awarded to students who attend this game.
State Championship game is at UCO in Edmond. Could be Friday, December 6th or Saturday, December 7th
This is also the weekend of Final Round All-State Band Auditions. We will be split up and be doing two events at the same time. Students will either go to final round all-state auditions or to the state championship football game, but not to both.
All information regarding concert band is available HERE.