Applications are now being accepted for Trojan Pride Drum Major. Auditions are open to band members who are going to be a junior or senior for the 2025-2026 school year, has served as a student leader, or has demonstrated significant potential as a leader.
- Representative of the Trojan Pride.

- Accomplished Musician
- Conduct Musically (i.e. – tempo, style, dynamics, phrasing, emotion).
- Lead Peers in a Positive Manner. Involves areas such as trust, respect, and humility.
- Must apply and desire to serve as student leader if not selected as a drum major (expectations listed below in italics).
- Student leadership is a volunteer service position. By applying, students are indicating that they want to serve and help meet the needs of the band beyond marching and playing. A strong desire for the band to improve and succeed is essential. The core concept is that the experience of service benefits both the individual and the band.
- Student leaders are to lead by example – that is to model ideal behavior, performance, peer relations, and attitude throughout the season both in and out of rehearsal.
- Student leaders have no disiplinary authority beyond that of any other students.
- Student leaders can be relieved of their duties if they fail in these regards.
- Submission of application. Applications are due by Tuesday, April 22nd. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted or considered. Application includes:
- Resume that highlights leadership roles and experiences.
- A one-page essay listing greatest personal strengths and areas in which the organization could improve (and how you would improve them).
- A written record (questions and answers) of two formal interviews with reputable band alumni, school faculty, a reputable adult in leadership position, or school administrator. Interviews should include their views on leadership, what you learned from the interview, and how their view is different than yours.
- Completion of a simple service project. The scope and duration of the project are at your discretion. Students should choose something that they think needs to be done. Students can ask a director for suggestions, but the preference is for students to recognize a need and act upon it. Students should be able to complete the project without the help or time of directors. If you have questions about the validity of your project, it is okay to ask prior to starting. Service projects are not limited to the High School Campus. Include an explanation and documentation of your project with this application.
- Formal interview with staff. Submission of application does not guarantee an interview. Staff will review all applications and select students for interviews. Interviews are tentatively scheduled to begin Wednesday, April 30th.
- Conducting audition with band. Scores are available from Mr. Hillock in the office. A recording of the song is available below. Conducting auditions are tentatively set for Monday, May 12th and will take place during 1st hour.
- Drum Majors will be announced by Friday, May 16th.
- All students selected to the leadership team will have a meeting from 4:15-4:45 on Friday, May 16th in the main band room.
Service Project Additional Information
Many projects that have been done over the years. The expectation is for the project to be completed by the date that the application is due. Extensions for projects to be completed in the summer has been granted in the past, but exceptions will only be made if the student can make a strong case why the project cannot be completed by the application deadline. All extensions must be approved by and only by Mr. Hillock. If an extension is granted, students will still be expected to complete the project regardless of whether they are selected to the student leadership team or not.
Projects that have been approved in the past and are good examples: 
- tighten music stands (3 or 4 people)
- work with uniforms (up to 6 people)
- cleaning and arranging of guard room (1 or 2 people)
- stencil music stands (up to 6 people)
- organization of flip folders (up to 6 people)
- clean out instrument lockers (up to 6 people, approval required)
- clean out semi trailer (up to 6 people, approval required)
Projects that have done in the past and are not acceptable:
- marching fundamental clinics for 8th grade students
- marching fundamental videos for 8th grade students
- sharpening and putting pencils on stands for students
A Celtic Legend.mp3
Drum Major Application
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