Collaboration Day (9/27): This Friday is collaboration day. The band will still have rehearsal from 8-10:30 that morning, followed by loading the semi truck from 10:45-11:30. Information about collaboration is available HERE.

General Information Regarding Away Football Games: Information regarding games will normally be posted on the website one to two weeks in advance. At the beginning of the year, many details are included as procedure and routines are being established and tweaked. As the season progresses, only specific details that unique to the particular venue are included. Some away games begin at 7:30pm - some games begin at 7:00pm. The game time and performance time will always be listed in the information. 

For away games, most of the time the band room is unlocked after school and at least one director is present. Dinner is provided for most away games - it depends on the distance traveling and whether the majority of students will have the opportunity to go home before loading equipment and uniforms. It will be indicated on the itinerary whether dinner is provided for an away game or not. Students will usually put on uniforms for away games. (Uniform racks are normally utilized only for contest days). It is also wise to check the website one or two days before the actual event. Sometimes details change or a plan B is added because of unpredictable weather conditions. Remember that hats, gauntlets, and plumes will not be used at football games this year - only the teacher performance and parades.

Details for percussion (particularly front ensemble) and guard may vary or have different details from the general itinerary. Students in these sections should double check with instructors and/or student leaders for necessary information. 

Students and parents may park in the music building parking and aquatic center parking lots, but no cars (students or parents) should be in the no parking/loading zones or red curbs located by the music building. These two areas need to be kept clear for loading and safety reasons. This is for both before departure AND arrival back home after the game. Please drive through parking lot areas slowly in an effort to avoid accidents and injuries.

Jenks at Bixby Information (Friday, September 27th)

A meal will be provided to students when loading the bus to go to the game.

The game begins at 7:00pm.

We will not be performing at this game.

No marching band uniforms for this game. Attire consists of travel shirt and black shorts (what was used at parent performance and 1st home football game).

4:15 Band Room Unlocked & Load Semi Trucks
Most (if not all) equipment should have been properly loaded after morning rehearsal, but any remaining equipment can be added at this time.

4:30 Report Time
Students should be in seats, ready to receive information & instructions for this game. Make sure to have your flip folder with you to use at the game.

5:00 Load Buses
Dinner will be passed out while loading buses.

5:15 Depart for Bixby
Need to depart on time so we can be ready for everything once we arrive. Promptness and efficiency will be valueable as time will be limited. 

6:00 Arrive in Bixby
Unload equipment, line up, transit to stadium, get placed in stands, warm-up, and get ready for football game.

7:00 Game Begins

  • Students will not be allowed to go to or obtain items from the concession stand for this game.
  • The normal snacks will be provided during halftime.
  • To avoid long lines and enable the band to play at the game, trips to the bathroom will be staggered. Not everyone will be released at the same time.

10:00 Estimated Conclusion of Game.
Brief Talk Time. Load everything back up and get ready to go home. Need to get home in preparation for tomorrow's contest.

10:30 Estimated Departure

11:00 Estimated Arrival Back In Jenks
Unload all equipment.

























11:30 Band Room Locked
Go home. Get some rest. Big day tomorrow. Rehearsal in the morning - x's TBD soon.

  • Chick-fil-A
  • Jenks Butterfield
  • Palen Music Center
  • Brent Hagar State Farm
  • Curtin Drug
  • Mark Allen Chevrolet
  • Sawyer Manufacturing
  • Young Peoples Clinic
  • Dreaming About
  • Graves McLain
  • Horizons
  • Dogtopia
  • Mindset
  • Quality Services
  • Andy B's
  • Ron Henderson - All State
  • Pence Law Firm
  • Tulsa Animal Urgent Care
  • PMO
  • Yale Cleaners