Band Room Unlocked 9:00 am – No need to be here before then. Students should arrive with show performance hair done. Students must bring all necessary products/items to touch up/redo show performance hair throughout the day/before each performance. 

This is the first time to wear the show performance costume! Make sure to have black shoes, black socks, and black gloves. 

Morning Rehearsal 9:30 am - 11:00 am - We will have a light rehearsal this morning for brass, woodwinds, and percussion. We have found that we are more successful with our prelim runs when we have a chance to properly warm up physically and musically in a quiet, relaxed atmosphere before contest begins. With that in mind, we will do stretching, light body & visuals, as well as sectionals and full group during this time. Rehearsal will be at the track, in the music building, or on the music building parking lot - depending on your section. Details will be on the board in the band room when you arrive. Color Guard is on a separate schedule for the morning.

Load Semi, Box Trucks, and Uniform Racks 11:15 am - Students have 45 minutes to load everything. Follow established procedures and get everything ready to go. Some equipment may have already been loaded Friday night after the game. Some equipment will be needed for the morning rehearsal. Uniform racks will be utilized for this trip. Make sure you load the show performance uniform, not the regular marching band uniform. 

Load Buses 12:00 pm - Students should be dressed in maroons and grays at this point. Instructions given before loading buses. Go to the restroom before getting on the bus. Lunch served on the bus.

Depart for Owasso 12:15 pm - Need to be prompt with departure.

Arrive in Owasso 1:15 pm - Check in, wristbands distributed, park, get ready for basic unloading & set up.

Unload instruments & equipment - Instruments, cases, and equipment should be laid out in an organized manner in our area - whether it is around the buses or the trucks. Additional details, instructions, info will have been given during talk time before departure.

Change into Uniforms - Students should change into uniform on buses, not outside. Do not sit on tops of bus seats as it tears up the seats over a period of time. A few reminders: never lay uniform on the ground, pavement, box truck, bus mirror, etc. They pick up dirt very easily. All uniform bags and hangers go back to the uniform racks after changing into uniform.

Lined Up in Contest Block 2:15 pm - Ready to Transit to Warm-Up Area - We will line up in an established compact block so we can begin with marching fundamentals. Depending on the weather, students may transition to warm-up area with jackets on or with jackets off and folded. Instructions will be given at appropriate time.

Warm-Up 2:45 pm - (Pit warm up is 15 minutes earlier - 2:30) It may very well be warm. Be ready for the sun to be in your face too. Drink plenty of water. Conserve your energy.  The warm up for this contest is an all-inclusive warm up for 45 minutes, but we will separate it into 3 segments: stretch and marching fundamentals, sectional warm up, and full group warm up. We will be surrounded by other bands going through the same process. It will be loud. Concentrate on what we are doing. Do not to be distracted as we prepare for competition.

Preliminary Performance 4:00 pm - Return to camp. Change out of uniform and organize equipment for finals performance. Do not leave the Owasso campus for any reason. Students are encouraged to wear travel shirt, show shirt, or Jenks clothing during down time – not required at this contest – but highly encouraged to show school spirit and unity.

Prelim awards, everyone should be in stands at that time. Drum Majors should be in full uniform and meet at the NW gate for line up at designated time.

Dinner, Talk Time, and other details will be announced - more than likely we will be eating dinner right after prelim awards. Many things depend on the draw times for finals. Dinner is provided by the band parents.  Make sure and show your appreciation by thanking them. Afterwards, STUDENTS make sure and clean up after yourselves.  We will not trash the place.

The time in-between prelims and finals WILL be spent OFF OF YOUR FEET. Stay cool. Stay hydrated. Stay rested. Be smart and conserve your physical and mental energy for our finals performance. 

Finals Begin 7:00

Timing and details will depend on the draw times for finals.

Massing of the Bands 10:00 pm - Finals Award Ceremony, Critique with Directors

We will use either the fundamental block or some similar type of block for the massing of the bands. In the past, the drum lines have all gathered at the front for massing. Be ready to do this in case it is done again this year.

After massing, directors go to critique and everything is loaded up. Students should be on the buses ready to go by the time directors are back from critique.

Estimated Departure 11:30 pm

Estimated Return 12:30 am

Complete Prelim Schedule
General Contest Information
Shuttle Routes

  • Chick-fil-A
  • Jenks Butterfield
  • Palen Music Center
  • Brent Hagar State Farm
  • Curtin Drug
  • Mark Allen Chevrolet
  • Sawyer Manufacturing
  • Young Peoples Clinic
  • Dreaming About
  • Graves McLain
  • Horizons
  • Dogtopia
  • Mindset
  • Quality Services
  • Andy B's
  • Ron Henderson - All State
  • Pence Law Firm
  • Tulsa Animal Urgent Care
  • PMO
  • Yale Cleaners