General Information Regarding Away Football Games: Information regarding games will normally be posted on the website one to two weeks in advance. At the beginning of the year, many details are included as procedure and routines are being established and tweaked. As the season progresses, only specific details that unique to the particular venue are included. Some away games begin at 7:30pm - some games begin at 7:00pm. The game time and performance time will always be listed in the information. 

For away games, most of the time the band room is unlocked after school and at least one director is present. Dinner is provided for most away games - it depends on the distance traveling and whether the majority of students will have the opportunity to go home before loading equipment and uniforms. It will be indicated on the itinerary whether dinner is provided for an away game or not. Students will usually put on uniforms for away games. (Uniform racks are normally utilized only for contest days). It is also wise to check the website one or two days before the actual event. Sometimes details change or a plan B is added because of unpredictable weather conditions. Remember that hats, gauntlets, and plumes will not be used at football games this year.

Students need to bring everything on Friday morning as there will not be an opportunity to go home after school.

Students and parents may park in the music building parking and aquatic center parking lots, but no cars (students or parents) should be in the no parking/loading zones or red curbs located by the music building. These two areas need to be kept clear for loading and unloading of the equipment trucks (semi and box trucks) and school buses. This is for both before departure AND arrival back home after the game. Please drive through parking lot areas slowly in an effort to avoid accidents and injuries. We want everyone to be safe during this time.


The first thing to understand is that the entire night, the environment will be LOUD. Much louder than a normal football game. It is exciting. There is electricity in the air. But it is very LOUD. It will be difficult to hear directors during warm ups, during transitions to the stadium, during transitions to the field, and during the pre-game performance. Students will have to concentrate on the tasks at hand, focus in on the instructions being given, and be ready to execute in a loud, distractive, and hostile environment.


Everyone needs to bring and use their flip folder. As with every game we play at, there will be a flip folder check and a grade taken.


All students need to bring their Trojan Pride water jug that day. Jugs should be full when students bring them that morning. Water will be available to students to refill after school and during the game. Jugs should only be filled with water - not sports drinks, pop, etc. 


Jenks at Union Information. We will be performing pre-game. We will not be using props for this performance. This game begins at 7:00, not 7:30. Pre-game performance will be at 6:30. A meal is provided before this game. Semi trucks may leave when we are finished loading and before buses are loaded to get a good parking place. Remember to bring everything with you Friday morning. You will not have a chance to go home after school. 

4:00 Uniform Check Out. Prep Time. Load Equipment Trucks.
Uniform checkout and the loading of equipment trucks will take place at the same time. Be careful in loading zones. School is getting out and the parking lot will be very busy. 

Students should be in maroon & grays for uniform checkout. We will not be using uniform racks for this game. We will be wearing marching band uniform - this includes the regulation black socks and shoes. Show performance hair will be used at this game. 

We will review procedures for loading and unloading the semi truck as time allows. Student leaders will need to help with this process. 

Semi will leave early/before all buses leave in order to be ready to unload when buses arrive, so make sure that all equipment is loaded early enough in the process after school. 

4:45 Load Buses. Students will load buses as they arrive and depart at staggered times in order to get enough time to unload, warm up and perform at pre-game. Bus assignments will be made in order to allow students who need the most time unloading to get to Union first. Everything should be loaded and students in uniform. Dinner will be provided to students as they load the buses. Students should have: uniform, gloves, flip folder, instrument, and any other necessary equipment. Students will be checked to see if they have and use their flip folder for the game.

5:00 Staggered Departure for Union. Eat on bus - meal organized by band parents.

5:45 Staggered Arrival at Union. Unload and prepare for warm ups. 

6:10 Anticipated Warm Up. Warm ups will most likely be in sectionals only. Given the amount of time, it will be a challenge getting warmed up, putting equipment in stands, and getting lined up for pre-game performance. We have done it before - we can accomplish it this year as well. 

6:30 Anticipated Time For Pre-Game Performance.  

7:00 Game begins. Fruit will be passed out during halftime.

10:00 Estimated End of Game. Talk time. Load up and go home.

11:00 Estimated Arrival Back Home. Uniform check in. Unload all equipment.

No cars should be in the loading zones during this time. See diagram below for visual reference.

12:00 Band Room Locked. Go home and get some good rest. 

  • Chick-fil-A
  • Jenks Butterfield
  • Palen Music Center
  • Brent Hagar State Farm
  • Curtin Drug
  • Mark Allen Chevrolet
  • Sawyer Manufacturing
  • Young Peoples Clinic
  • Dreaming About
  • Graves McLain
  • Horizons
  • Dogtopia
  • Mindset
  • Quality Services
  • Andy B's
  • Ron Henderson - All State
  • Pence Law Firm
  • Tulsa Animal Urgent Care
  • PMO
  • Yale Cleaners