Band Senior night. Family may attend the recognition free of charge, but must have a ticket in order to watch the football game/halftime performance. 

General Information
Please read information carefully. The home game routine is fairly normal, but this is also BAND SENIOR NIGHT.

Dinner will not be provided before the game since there are no classes this day.

4:30 Band Room Unlocked
Students should arrive with show har done, in maroons & grays, with a full water jug, and all needed items for the game.

5:00 Uniform Check Out
This is for Seniors only. Uniform checkout for Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshman will start at 5:30.

6:15-7:00 Senior Family Photos at the Stadium
Photos taken with Mr. Hillock & Miss Annie at the Northwest corner of the football stadium prior to the game.

7:00-7:22 Senior & Family Recognition
Seniors all walk out on field with families in alphabetical order. Each senior and family will step forward when Mr. Gartner announces them. Additional details/instructions will be shared that evening before the event.

5:30 Uniform Check Out.
This is for Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshman

6:00 - 6:30 Sectional Warm Ups.
Roll Taken at this time. Separate Warm Ups for sections in the Music Building. Front Ensemble timeline and warm up defined by Mr. Martin. Time spent here is Regular Warm Ups, Tuning, Banner, as well as touching spots of show music as needed.

Students should have everything needed for the game at this point - uniform, instrument, water jug, flip folder when seated for this portion of rehearsal in preparation for transition to stadium.

6:35 Transit to Stadium.
Single file in order of rows to stadium. Front Ensemble move equipment to holding area for halftime performance. Join remainder of group to be seated for pre-game.

6:50 Seated in Stadium.
Get properly arranged. Senior Recognition with Families (begins at 7:00). Perform the National Anthem.

7:30 Game Begins.

  • 1st Quarter - play a lot 
  • 2nd Quarter - more conservative & preserve chops for halftime - spend time refocusing sound
  • Perform at Halftime
  • 3rd Quarter - snacks, play some
  • 4th Quarter - play a lot

10:00 Estimated Conclusion of Game.
Talk Time. Students Released. Uniform Check-In. Have a good extended weekend. Come back ready for the next push.

11:15 Band Room Locked.
Go home. Get some good rest.

  • Chick-fil-A
  • Jenks Butterfield
  • Palen Music Center
  • Brent Hagar State Farm
  • Curtin Drug
  • Mark Allen Chevrolet
  • Sawyer Manufacturing
  • Young Peoples Clinic
  • Dreaming About
  • Graves McLain
  • Horizons
  • Dogtopia
  • Mindset
  • Quality Services
  • Andy B's
  • Ron Henderson - All State
  • Pence Law Firm
  • Tulsa Animal Urgent Care
  • PMO
  • Yale Cleaners