Students are dismissed from class 6th hour in order to prepare for the homecoming parade and football game. Come straight to band room. Do not leave campus. Begin getting ready for parade. 

3:15    Uniform Check-Out. Show performance hair for this game. 

4:00   Students in Seat. Instructions Given. Music Warm Up. Students should have everything needed for the parade and football game with them at their seats. We will cover all details and logistics for events that happen up to the game. Warm up will be full group. 

4:30   Transition to the football stadium. Take everything needed for the football game at this time. We will leave flip folders and equipment in the stands. Front Ensemble Members will be traveling with us at this time too.

5:00    Line Up in Parade Formation between the Frank Herald Gymnasium and the visitor side of the football stadium for transition to Beginning of Parade Route. Non-Cymbal Front Ensemble Members will get out equipment in preparation for the half-time performance and keep an eye on equipment in the stadium while the rest of the band is marching in the parade. Once parade has started, Mr. Martin will send students to go get food for Front Ensemble Members.

5:30    Parade Begins.

5:45    End of our part of the parade. We will have a predetermined area near the end of the parade route. Instruments are to be set down by sections (just like in morning rehearsals) in safe/low traffic areas. Eat Chick-Fil-A Dinner while waiting for 8th grade band to perform in the parade. As a group, vigorously cheer the 8th grade band on as they pass by. Need to be somewhere besides the end of the parade route. More fun to cheer them on during the parade - not when it's over. 

During this time, avoid grassy areas. There are lots of places that have stickers. In past years after the parade, a special request had to be made to get all the stickers out of the carpet in the music building hallways and band rooms. We need to prevent this from happening this year and in the future. Stay on sidewalks and paved areas please.

It will be tempting to high five, chat, and mingle with the 8th graders at this point. Put that on hold. You will have all night to do this. We need to get back to central campus. We will line up between building 5 and the dining hall to practice the National Anthem with the sign language students.

6:30    Full Group Concert Arcs Line up in Concert Arcs.

Play the Star Spangled Banner with ASL students. Will probably play several times to allow students enough reps to feel comfortable. 

6:50    Transition to Stadium. Meet up with 8th graders as they will be lining up with us as we go into the stadium. 

7:00    Pre-Game. The National Anthem (high school band only) and the JHS Fight Song with the 8th grade band.

7:30    Football Game begins. Be ready to play the songs that the 8th grade band can play (and cadences) more than normal. 

Perform Contest Show @ Half-time.  Normal Routine for 3rd and 4th quarters.

10:00    Estimated time of end of game.  Brief instructions & info given. Uniform Check-In. 

11:00    Band room locked. Have a great weekend!


  • Chick-fil-A
  • Jenks Butterfield
  • Palen Music Center
  • Brent Hagar State Farm
  • Curtin Drug
  • Mark Allen Chevrolet
  • Sawyer Manufacturing
  • Young Peoples Clinic
  • Dreaming About
  • Graves McLain
  • Horizons
  • Dogtopia
  • Mindset
  • Quality Services
  • Andy B's
  • Ron Henderson - All State
  • Pence Law Firm
  • Tulsa Animal Urgent Care
  • PMO
  • Yale Cleaners